Photo by: Me, Lívia Alencar

Hi everyone,

Here I am agaain!

I will talk about my reflexion over what I learned during the second mission.

     1. First thing I should say that I am taking from this mission for life is to have few things on the PowerPoint slides. The more you have there the more you want to look over to the screen, which will make you look like you don't know what you are talking about.

     2. Timing is very important. When reflecting over this mission I realised that both my 1st and 2nd presentation were too long. Something that would definitely be good is for the group to do a small presentation before the real one, it will help to keep track of time and to give tips for the group mate of what they could do during the presentation for their speech to be better.

     3. The more you do something, the more used to doing it you get. For my first presentation I was very embarrassed of going there and doing it but for the second mission it felt more natural (ok, the fact that now I known most of the people there by now helped a lot, but still).

Overall it was very nice to learn about YouTube and to do a vlog (even though I was embarrassed of doing it).

That’s it, see you soon

Lívia Alencar